Developing a serverless file-encryption app using AWS Lambda, S3, and AWS CLI
Data security is a global issue! One that is a concern for most organizations around the world. Most organizations conduct their businesses using different digital media to convey important information and business plans. Most organizations rely on using digital documents with the Portable Digital Format (PDF) extension to store important information such as Business Proposals, Business Plans, Business Process Models (BPM), Systems Architectures, Organizational Flowchart, and other Intellectual Properties (IP) thus there is a critical need to secure this information from getting into the wrong hands or the hands of competitors.
Data encryption is one of the methods to secure data from unauthorized access and data breaches. PDF files can be secured using various data encryption methods such as transforming a non-secured PDF document to a secured document by using automated password implementation systems. When working in a large organization with a cloud environment, it is vital to have automated data encryption systems to help secure organizational data without the intervention of human processes. For instance, when a PDF file is uploaded into a specific storage marked as confidential, such data should be automatically encrypted to prevent unauthorized access to the information in the confidential storage.
In this project, we built a serverless PDF encryption solution using AWS Lambda and Amazon S3. The goal was to create an automated process that encrypts PDF files as soon as they are uploaded, ensuring that sensitive information is protected without any manual intervention.
This project showcases the simplicity and power of AWS serverless architecture. By combining AWS Lambda’s event-driven capabilities with S3’s reliable storage, we developed an efficient, hands-off approach to securing documents. Whether you’re managing client contracts, financial records, or any confidential information, this solution seamlessly integrates encryption into your cloud workflow, enhancing security without adding complexity.
You should be familiar with:
- AWS CLI — The AWS CLI should be installed on your local computer
- Amazon S3
- AWS Lambda
- Visual Studio Code or any other IDE of your choice.
Resources needed for this project:
You can get the required files from my GitHub repository here
We are going to implement a couple of tasks to accomplish the final objective of this project. The list of tasks to complete are listed below:
- Developing and deploying the application
- Configure an Amazon S3 trigger to invoke the function
- Test the application
Developing and deploying the application:
First, you will create both the source and destination s3 buckets using AWS CLI commands for S3 bucket creation by using AWS s3api calls.
The source bucket is going to be named as:
Source S3 bucket: pdf-source-bucket77
Destination S3 bucket: pdf-source-bucket77-encrypted
Creating the source S3 bucket using AWS CLI:
aws s3api create-bucket - bucket pdf-source-bucket77 - region us-west-2 \
- create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=us-west-2
Creating the destination S3 bucket using AWS CLI:
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket pdf-source-bucket77-encrypted --region us-west-2 \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=us-west-2
Note: Your destination bucket must use the format sourcebucket-encrypted, where sourcebucket is the name of the source bucket you created.
Now, navigate to the AWS S3 console to confirm the creation of both the source and destination buckets
Create an execution role (AWS CLI)
An execution role is an IAM role that grants a Lambda function permission to access AWS services and resources. When you create a function using the Lambda console, Lambda automatically creates an execution role. You only need to create a role manually if you choose to deploy the app using the AWS CLI. To give your function read and write access to Amazon S3, you attach the AWS managed policy AmazonS3FullAccess.
First, create a trust-policy.json file containing the following IAM policy. This trust policy allows Lambda to use the role’s permissions by giving the service principal permission to call the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) AssumeRole action.
From the directory you saved the JSON trust policy document in, run the following CLI command to create the execution role.
aws iam create-role - role-name LambdaS3Role - assume-role-policy-document file://trust-policy.json
Navigate the AWS IAM on the console to check for the LambdaS3Role
To attach the AmazonS3FullAccess managed policy, run the following CLI command.
aws iam attach-role-policy - role-name LambdaS3Role - policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess
Confirm the AmazonS3FullAccess policy has been added to LambdaS3Role on the AWS console
Next, we will proceed to create a deployment package for our AWS Lambda function.
Create the function deployment package:
To create your function, you create a deployment package containing your function code and its dependencies. For this application, your function code uses a separate library for PDF encryption.
To create the deployment package
- Navigate to the project directory containing the and requirements.txt files you created or downloaded from GitHub earlier and create a new directory named package.
- Install the dependencies specified in the requirements.txt file in your package directory by running the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt - target ./package/
Create a .zip file containing your application code and its dependencies. In Linux or MacOS, run the following commands from your command line interface.
cd package
zip -r ../ .
cd ..
In Windows, use your preferred zip tool to create the file. Make sure that your file and the folders containing your dependencies are all at the root of the .zip file.
Now let’s add to the
cd ..
ls -ll
The next step is to create and deploy the lambda function using the deployment package created.
Create and deploy the Lambda function using AWS CLI:
Run the following command from the directory containing your file. For the region parameter, replace us-west-2 with the region you created your S3 buckets.
aws lambda create-function - function-name Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App \
- zip-file fileb:// - handler lambda_function.lambda_handler \
- runtime python3.12 - timeout 15 - cli-connect-timeout 600 - memory-size 256 \
- role arn:aws:iam::YOUR_AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:role/LambdaS3Role - region us-west-2 \
- logging-config LogFormat=JSON
Now, you can proceed to the AWS Console to confirm the creation of the AWS Lambda function Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App.
Now we to configure an Amazon S3 trigger to invoke the Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App
Configure an Amazon S3 trigger to invoke the function
For the Lambda function to run when a PDF file is uploaded to the pdf-source-bucket77, you need to configure a trigger for your function. You can configure the Amazon S3 trigger using either the console or the AWS CLI.
To configure the Amazon S3 trigger (AWS CLI)
For the pdf-source-bucket77 to invoke the Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App function when a pdf file is uploaded, you first need to configure permissions for the function using a resource-based policy.
aws lambda add-permission - function-name Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App \
- principal - statement-id s3invoke - action "lambda:InvokeFunction" \
- source-arn arn:aws:s3:::pdf-source-bucket77 \
- source-account YOUR-AWS_ACCOUNT_ID
Navigate the Lambda function configuration section and confirm the permission added:
Review the s3invoke policy that was added:
Next, you will configure the pdf-source-bucket77 to send a notification to the lambda function every time a new object is added.
Create a JSON configuration file named notification.json. This file will be used to configure the source S3 bucket using the AWS CLI.
Copy the JSON below to the notification.json file
"LambdaFunctionConfigurations": [
"Id": "Lambda-PDF-Encryption-AppEventConfiguration",
"LambdaFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2: YOUR-AWS_ACCOUNT_ID:function:Lambda-PDF-Encryption-App",
"Events": [ "s3:ObjectCreated:Put" ]
Use the AWS CLI command below to apply the JSON configuration in the notification.json file.
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration - bucket pdf-source-bucket77 \
- notification-configuration file://notification.json
Navigate to the console to review the S3 trigger added to the Lambda function
Testing the app
To test your app, you upload a PDF file to your source bucket, and confirm that Lambda creates an encrypted version of the file in your destination bucket. In this example, you can either test this manually using the console or the AWS CLI.
You are going to use the AWS CLI to test the app. You can use any pdf file on your local computer to test the functionality.
Before uploading any test file, first navigate to the AWS Lambda environment variables under the AWS Lambda configuration section using the AWS console then add a pdf password as an environment variable
Pass in the following variable
Value: Your secret password to encrypt the pdf file.
Now proceed to upload a file to the AWS source bucket pdf-source-bucket77
From the directory containing the PDF file you want to upload, run the following CLI command. Replace the — bucket parameter with the name of your source bucket. For the — key and — body parameters, use the filename of your test file.
aws s3api put-object - bucket pdf-source-bucket77 - key YOUR-PDF-FILE.pdf - body ./YOUR-PDF-FILE.pdf
I am going to upload the pdf with the content below:
PDF name: AWS-Documentation.pdf
AWS CLI command to upload the AWS-Document.pdf file to pdf-source-bucket77 on Amazon S3:
aws s3api put-object - bucket pdf-source-bucket77 - key AWS-Documentation.pdf - body ./AWS-Documentation.pdf
Review the file upload in S3 via AWS console
Checking the destination S3 bucket for any pdf file upload from the AWS Lambda invocation by the S3 source bucket put operation.
From the screenshot above, you can see that the AWS-Documentation.pdf file has now been encrypted and its name modified to
Let’s navigate to the destination S3 bucket pdf-source-bucket77-encrypted to confirm the presence of this file
Let’s check the bucket properties:
Now let’s download the bucket and try to open it to check if the AWS Lambda encryption app will work perfectly.
Just click on the download option on the bucket page to download the encrypted PDF file then try to open the file:
The file was successfully downloaded. Next, click on the file to open it:
You can see that the AWS Lambda encryption app we developed as successfully encrypts the AWS-Documentation.pdf file with a password.
Now, you have to use the password passed into the AWS Lambda function as an environment variable to unencrypt the file.
Inputting the password to unencrypt the file.
Congratulations! The PDF file is now unencrypted.
In this project, we successfully developed a serverless PDF encryption application using AWS Lambda and Amazon S3. The application was designed to automatically encrypt PDF files uploaded to a source S3 bucket, applying password protection and storing the encrypted files in a destination bucket.
Key highlights of the project include:
- Serverless Architecture: Utilizing AWS Lambda for on-demand execution without the need to manage underlying infrastructure.
- Automated File Processing: The app triggers the Lambda function whenever a new PDF file is uploaded to the source bucket, ensuring immediate encryption.
- Secure PDF Encryption: Each PDF is encrypted with a password, adding a layer of security for sensitive documents.
- Seamless S3 Integration: The application efficiently handles file transfers between S3 buckets, ensuring smooth upload and storage processes.
This solution demonstrates the power and flexibility of AWS serverless services, providing a robust, scalable, and secure mechanism for file encryption.
We have successfully achieved the goal of this project, showcasing the potential for using serverless architecture to automate tasks while enhancing security and reliability in cloud environments.
Thank you for walking through this AWS project with me!
Keep building!!!!