Tech Fields With Little or No Codes

Richards Okiemute
11 min readJun 11, 2022

Let me guess, you are here because you like the title of this article or maybe like most people, you dislike programming/coding because of the thinking and difficulties involved. If you happen to dislike coding and you are also interested in getting into tech, then I have very good news for you and your “We hate coding” fan base. There are a lot of fields in tech that do not require you to write codes and also some other fields require you to write just little basic logical codes (Low Code, No Code).

This article is going to take us through some fields that do not require coding and also the Low Code/No Code fields too.

Below are some lists of fields I can mention off the top of my head (there are other fields I may not be aware of. Please, feel free to add yours in the comment section).

Tech fields that require No (or low) codes:

1. Project Management


This path is good for you if you are more of an orchestrator i.e, you like to plan, strategise, organize, and lead a project from ideation to delivery within a specific time. Major skills needed are team work, empathy, creativity, and some specific domain knowledge.

As a project manager, you will be implementing modern day project management techniques such as Agile methodologies, Lean-Six Sigma (implementing both Lean and Six-Sigma) project management, Waterfall project management techniques, Kaban, Scrum, and Prince2 project management techniques.

Also, as a project manager, you will be using tools like Kaban Boards, Jira, Trello, Gantt Chart, Asana, Workflow Automation, SWOT-Analysis, Spreadsheets, Schedulers, etc.

None of these tools and techniques requires you to know or learn coding. Knowing how to code in the tech space as a project manager is a plus but not a strict requirement.

2. Scrum Managers/Masters


Scrum managers/masters are mini project managers but they manage a more focused and small team of 4–7 individuals with the same skill sets working on a specific part of a bigger project.

Scrum managers are different from Project Managers in a lot of ways. A project manager may oversee the development of an entire software while scrum managers/masters will oversee the specialized aspects of the software development processes in sprints like writing the codes, designing the UI/UX, writing the software technical documentation, etc. Scrum masters are very specific in their role whereas project managers manage the entire projects.

Just like a project manager, Scrum masters do not need to know how to code.

Scrum masters use tools like Jira, Confluence, Burndown chart, Spring backlogs, Rally, VersionOne, Scrum Boards, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.

3. Project Analysts

A project analyst helps to analyze projects and gives useful data-driven recommendations that are used in planning and managing projects. They usually help the project managers to have a holistic view of the projects. Project analysts usually assist the project managers in complex projects.

Project analysts usually use Microsoft Excel to analyze project data to generate useful project insights. Programming is a plus but a requirement for non software development projects.

To become a project manager, scrum manager, or project analyst, you can check the Google Project Management course on Coursera. It is one of the best courses out there to lead you in the path of becoming a project manager, scrum master, or a project analyst.

4. Data Visualizations


Data visualization is the act of communicating data insights with the use of graphical representations.

Modern day data visualization applications such as Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, Looker, Data Studio, Amazon QuickSight, IBM Cognos, etc have made data visualization much easier than using programming languages.

You do not necessarily need to know how to write codes to become a data visualization specialist. However you need to know how to think logically and analytically too. This can help you to understand the auto generated codes by these applications and how to edit them to suit your needs in some special occasions.

5. Data Entry Specialist

Data Entry Specialist converts physical information into digital information for storage, record, analytical purposes.

You do not require any coding skills to carry out a data entry job.

6. Product Management


Product management is the business side of technology. Product management involves planning, strategizing, developing techniques for the development and creation of a product or service to meet a specific need. Product management usually involves extensive research and development of a product for the entire lifecycle of the product from idealaton to product launch or market release.

Programming and coding are not required to become a part of a project management team.

7. Product Design


Product design involves creating digital or physical products and overseeing the product design from time to time to keep improving the design over the life of the product.

Product design involves extensive research and applying the people, cultural, and business skills to further make the product successful

A product designer is different from a UX designer. Check this article to know more about product designers

8. UI/UX Design and Graphics Design


User Interaction/User Experience Design and Graphic Design are fields in tech which bridges communication and design together. These fields use designs to understand and improve users’ experience on an application, products, website, magazines, blogpost, video contents, etc. They carry out extensive research to define users’ pain points, generate ideas for designing solutions. UI/UX and graphics designers create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to test users’ interactions based on feedback. They iterate through these designs to create an optimal design which can offer users the best enjoyable user experience and accessibility.

These fields use tools like Figma, Inkscape, Photoshop, CorelDraw, Adobe Lightroom, and Adobe XD for responsive web designs.

UI/UX and Graphic Designers do not need to code or use programming languages.

9. Video Editing/Video Content Creation


The digital world has made more progress over the past decades due to the increase in video contents. Video contents are one of the best ways of passing information these days. Video editing and video content creators are in high demand as this field is highly lucrative. You do not need any programming knowledge to become a great video editing and video content creator.

10. 3D Animation/Illustration


Animations and Illustrations are another lucrative field with the tech space. 3D animation and illustration cuts across any field. Just like video content creation, 3D animations and illustration uses motion pictures to grasp attention and pass information across to their audience.

No programming skills are required to become a skilled 3D animator/illustrationist

11. WordPress Web Design


It is amazing how many people run away from web design just because they don’t like to write codes. Funny enough, with Wordpress, you do not need to know how to code or even understand programming to build the most basic websites that can meet your personal or business needs.

Many people underestimate the power and influence of Wordpress but little do they know that Wordpress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) in the world. It powers over 35% (over 455,000,000) of the websites in the world. With Wordpress, you do not need a single code to design beautiful and powerful sites with functionalities that can get your business up and running.

Wordpress contains over 54,000 amazing plugins to design your websites and make it word class without learning a single line of HTML or CSS.

Kickstart your website design journey by checking out Wordpress today. Do not let the false belief that you must be a programmer to become good at web designing.

12. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are changing the way we perceive the world around us. With the introduction of Metaverse, individuals with VR and AR skills have now become highly sought after.

VR and AR are amazing fields which find their application across different fields such as education, business, gaming, research, health care, engineering, agriculture, entertainment, sports, etc.

I will recommend you carry out an extensive research into these fields to see the potentials that exist in them. VR and AR have been around for a long time but now, they are really taking over the future.

With modern tools like Unity, you can create VR/AR games and simulations without writing code. There are other tools out there too.

Top get more insight into these fields, you can check out Google AR and VR home (Google Lens) and Microsoft HoloLens

13. Technical and Content Writing


Although technical writing and content writing are entirely different types of writing, I just want to write about them here and be really quick about it. Technical writing is about breaking complex documents, procedures, or manuals about softwares, systems, innovations, products, etc. into easily understandable and digestible bits. It requires some understanding of programming if you are writing about software codes or how to develop a certain type of application using different programming knowledge but really you will be fine if you can grasp concepts easily as not all the technical writing roles require you to write codes.

Content writing on the other hand falls under business writing like product copywriting and websites content writing.

These are really lucrative fields to get involved in. You can do your further research on them.

If you are interested in technical writing, you can check out the Google technical writing course Part 1 and Part 2.

14. Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is the component of marketing that uses the Internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services. — Wikipedia

This is one part of tech that will always thrive, as long as the internet exists, there will be businesses online and business owners will continually need Digital Marketers to help them gain profitable audiences and loyal customers.

If you are interested in Digital Marketing, you can check out this Google Digital Marketing Fundamentals course

15. Research


If your specialty is in research whether it’s industrial, academic, business research, you can always transfer such skills to tech where you can work with research and development teams in creating innovative products. This field usually requires knowledge of mathematics, probability, and statistics to carry out hypothesis testing to test the outcome of product or performance in the market. Being a researcher means you can work for a lot of different tech companies to improve on their strategies. You can even become an independent researcher in a particular tech field so you can offer Research-as-a-Service (RaaS) to clients and companies.

16. Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM and ERP)


Dynamics 365 is a set of intelligent business applications that helps organizations run their entire business and deliver greater results through predictive and AI-driven insights.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)) services are currently enabling businesses all over the world to increase productivity and efficiency across global platforms.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is relatively new compared to SAP and they are gaining widespread popularity among companies in the world. Learning how to use Microsoft Dynamics CRM or ERP will open massive opportunities for you.

You do not need to be a programmer to use these applications, as long as your goal is not to become a CRM or ERP developer.

17. Microsoft Power Platform (Power Automate, Power BI, Power Virtual Agents, Power Pages)


Although these are part of the Microsoft CRM application, there are specific skill sets that are in high demand in today’s business world. With the Microsoft Power Platform, you can do a lot of things such as building applications (Model Driven Applications, Canvas apps, and Portal Apps), build AI-Chatbots using Power Virtual Agents, create automated Business Model Processes (BMP) using Power Automate, and also create world class data visualization dashboards using PowerBI.

If you really want to enjoy the Low code/No code path, you should take a very serious look into Microsoft Power Platforms. The opportunities existing with the Microsoft Power Platform ecosystem are limitless.

You do not need to be a programmer to get started on this technology but having programming skill is an added advantage as it will help you understand easily how the logic works behind the scenes.

18. Educational/Instructional Content Creation

Creating courses online has made a lot of online course content creators, businesses, universities, and companies millions of dollars. Covid19 caused a shift from traditional learning systems to learning online and that trend has only continued to increase. Creating courses online about just any area of your specialty/expertise is a lucrative field to get involved in. Many companies hire course content creators to help them create instructional videos to help train their staff/workforce.

This field does not require any programming skills except you are explicitly creating contents about programming.

19. Blogging

Yes, blogging is another field that does not require coding or programming for you to get into.

20. Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel, PowerBi, and Tableau


Data analysis with ready-made softwares like Microsoft Excel, PowerBI, and Tableau takes away the need of using programming languages to extract, transform, load, and share the data.

However, Data analysis needs you to understand programming to be able to analyze large datasets above 2GB, you will need to use programming languages like Python, R, Scala, Java, SQL, etc.

21. Copywriting


Copywriting is the act of using persuasive writing to convince people to buy a product or take an action that could lead to buying a product or subscribing to a service online.

Copywriters are highly valuable and top writing professionals who understand how to use words skillfully to make people take actions. They are highly paid for developing sales copies which helps companies products and services to get the required hype it needs to stay competitive in the market space.

Copywriting does not require programming skills.


The aforementioned fields are all fields you can explore without programming. These fields are all high earning fields, so do not let the fear or difficulty of programming prevent you from having a great career in the tech space.

Thanks for reading.



Richards Okiemute

A Tech Advocate and an Engineer, who is passionate about helping youths get into tech.